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Forza - Defining Doors

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Forza Doors Ltd defines its Corporate Social Responsibility as: 


Our employees are our most valuable resource and are a key factor in the delivery of services to our clients. We recognise that it is the calibre of the people that make up our teams that differentiates us from our competitors. As such, we work hard to recruit, develop, and retain the best talent in the industry. As part of their personal development each of our employees is given a clear route for progression, including technical and professional training. Further to this, it is crucial that all employees maintain a high level of safety and technical expertise, therefore regular training and advice is made available. 

To ensure that we enhance our employees’ environmental awareness we provide continual training to enable consideration and understanding of environmental issues when planning, undertaking, and implementing all projects. 

We provide our staff with Equal Opportunities advice and support ensuring all employees are aware of the company's legal obligations, policies and internal procedures relating to the provision of Equal Opportunities. 

Forza Doors Ltd are committed in the following: 

  • Employment is freely chosen by the employee. 

  • Employee rights are respected. 

  • Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining. 

  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic. 

  • Child labour is not used. 

  • Cost of living wages are paid. 

  • Working hours are not excessive. 

  • No discrimination with respect to race, gender or religion is practised. 

  • No harsh or inhumane treatment is applied. 

At Forza Doors our employees are the bedrock of our business, and we update them with business news on a regular basis, issuing company newsletters each week to keep them engaged. We ensure that all employees receive regular communications and updates on significant business events, promotions, and company performance. 

We conduct regular employee consultation to seek employee views and create action plans to improve engagement. 

Forza Doors Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy ensures that social and environmental concerns are considered in our all our business operations. 


We fully recognise that our day-to-day operations cause inevitable impact on the environment in several ways. Forza Doors are committed to reduce this level of impact through assessing and improving our environmental performance using a documented, maintained, monitored, and reviewed Environmental Management System that is communicated to all employees. 

Through ISO 14001 we employ systems and procedures that ensure the company's compliance with all relevant laws, regulations and other requirements relating to the environment. 

Sustainability considerations are fully integrated in our business decision making. We carry out environmental supply chain management to encourage suppliers to adopt environmentally sound practices. 


Forza Doors will build relationships with our clients, suppliers and the local community and consider our impact on the local community. To enhance our involvement Forza Doors, partake and contribute to various organisations such as: 

Traffic Action Group - a volunteer organisation that campaigns and raises funds for traffic calming measures with Partridge Green. We recognise that we contribute a good deal of vehicle movements through the village by way of employees travelling into and leaving work, our delivery vehicles and of course a multitude of supplier vehicles making deliveries to us daily. Forza has embraced this group and has made many contributions including the funding of campaign flyer/ notice graphic design items, and donations towards the purchase of four Digital Speed Indicator devices which are mounted at each approach road to the village. 

Tree Planting Scheme - Forza has donated to this local scheme which has, to date, purchased and planted several dozen deciduous trees around the local parish. 

Jolesfield Local Primary School - Forza regularly donates to the PTA, including events and purchase of picnic benches for the playground. Forza also donated towards the school library refurbishment. 

Forza 6 a side Football Team Crawley – Forza contribute towards the running costs of this Charity Football side, run by Forza employees. This includes team kits, trophies, and graphic design costs for publishing events. In 2021 we ran a very successful day known as the Luana Cup; this was an all-day 6 a side tournament including around 20 teams from the Southeast, in aid of an 8-year-old girl suffering with cancer. The funds raised will help her family with travelling costs to and from hospital and to generally assist in making financial matters a lot less stressful. 

Logs for Dogs Scheme - During the year we accumulate a good deal of timber offcuts. We bag these up and sell them to residents. The money generated is donated to the local Shoreham Dogs Trust to help with running costs. 

St Catherine’s Hospice - Dragon Boat Race Event - Forza has adopted this charity as its local one, based in Crawley. Each year Forza put together a team of 25 staff to enter and compete in this all-day event is held at Tilgate Park Crawley. It's not only a very enjoyable day, which fosters team building, it also raises generally more than £5000 for the hospice. Forza have been very successful in the event and has placed 4th, 5th, and 6th out of 34 teams in recent years. 

Kidney Care Trust UK - Forza has officially adopted this charity as its national charity - We donate a fixed sum for every Fire Door sold. Forza make this donation once a year.