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Forza - Defining Doors

Environment Policy

The Directors, management and staff of Forza Doors recognise that our business activities must be characterised by an active commitment to the environment, by an ongoing process of improvement and comply with all relevant environmental legislation at local, regional and national level as well as any other compliance obligations.

The goal of our environmental policy is the long term sustainable development measured and controlled by the implementation of an Integrated Management System (IMS) being established to comply with the International Standard ISO 14001:2015. This promotes a culture of environmental protection in all company systems and procedures under the direction of the senior management team with the support of all employees and supply chain partners.

We believe our business must aim to operate environmental goals and economic health in harmony and to use the smallest possible amount of resources that results in minimum environmental impact including the prevention of pollution.

All Forza employees accept responsibility in achieving the following eight environmental goals:

• Create and operate a management planning process to prevent environmental accidents and to minimise the use of substances, materials and chemicals which can be hazardous to people or the environment.
• Create and carry on an open dialogue with staff, suppliers and organisations on environmental issues and embrace their ideas.
• Develop and improve the environmental skills and knowledge of our staff by providing information and training.
• Use a life cycle approach to adapt production processes and product development in order to reduce current and long term environmental impact.
• Plan the transportation of our goods in the most efficient manner to lessen our impact on the environment.
• Minimise use of energy, materials and utilities.
• Minimise waste generation and apply responsible waste management and disposal techniques.
• Promote and support the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Programme for the environment of forest certification schemes) chain of custody schemes through our assessment by Credit Control Union Certification.

The IMS’s effectiveness is monitored and maintained by regular audit and Management Review.

This Environmental Policy is communicated to all employees and made available to the public via the company’s website. The involvement of its workforce and external interested and affected parties in its Environmental Policy is encouraged by the organisation through effective communication procedures.

Managing Director
May 2023