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Forza - Defining Doors

Health & Safety Policy

Forza Doors Ltd is a progressive organisation, providing doors, door frames, skirting and veneered panels based in the Star Road Trading Estate, Partridge Green, West Sussex.

The Board of Directors recognise that the health, safety and welfare of employees, visitors, contractors, external stakeholders and the wider community, who may be affected by its operations is of primary importance in the successful conduct of its business. This policy takes into account context of the organization and the specific nature of its identified risks and opportunities but as a minimum standard, the Group will meet the requirements of all legal, industry and other adopted standards.

The company strives to maintain best practice, seeking continual improvement and innovation within all activities through the implementation of its Health & Safety management system which strives to meet the requirements of the international standard ISO 45001. This promotes a culture of occupational Health & Safety protection in all company systems and procedures with a commitment to continual improvement to reduce hazards and prevent injury and ill health under the direction of the senior management team and with the support of all employees and supply chain partners.

This policy is signed by the Managing Director to demonstrate the Board’s commitment to it. A copy of this policy is posted at all its operational locations and is also available to the public via the Forza Doors web site

General Policy
We as a company are committed to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of our employees and the health and safety of other persons who may be affected by our activities, acts and emissions. The policy provides a framework for setting Health & Safety objectives which include the provision of:

• Adequate resources to ensure the proper provision for the implementation of the H&S management system compliant with ISO 45001, current legislation and adopted guidance.
• Plant, work equipment and systems of work, which are safe, and without risk to health.
• Arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances for use at work.
• Information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to enable the employee to ensure their health and safety at work and the safety of others that may be affected by their acts or emissions.
• A safe working environment without risks to health, with adequate means of access and egress, and adequate welfare arrangements.
• Arrangements for effective employee consultation and participation regarding health & safety matters.
• Monitoring procedures to maintain agreed standards and ensure that steps are taken to reduce the likelihood of days lost from work related injury and ill health.
• Adequate competent Health & Safety personnel to assist in applying the provisions of health and safety law.
• This policy statement to our clients, suppliers and subcontractors so they are made aware of the content.

It is the responsibility of the Managing Director to ensure that the organisation and arrangements for implementing this policy are documented in the Forza Doors Health & Safety Manual available at each location. All employees are aware of the company’s objectives and ensure that they co-operate with management to enable all legislation to be complied with; take reasonable care of their own health and safety and the health and safety of others who may be affected by their acts or emissions.

Managing Director

May 2023