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Forza - Defining Doors

Access to and within buildings - effective clear width of opening in door modules (FTN4)

Approved Document M - Access to and use of buildings (2013) Section 3 - Horizontal and vertical circulation in buildings other than dwellings

3.10 Internal doors will satisfy Requirement M1 or M2 if:

3.10 b) the effective clear width through a single leaf door, or one leaf of a double leaf door, is in accordance with table 2 and diagram 9 of AD M. FZD 0526

3.10 c) there is an unobstructed space of at least 300mm on the pull side of the door between the leading edge of the door and any return wall, unless the door has power-controlled opening or it provides access to a standard hotel bedroom.

Direction & Width of Approach New Building* Existing Building*
Straight on (without a turn or oblique approach) 800mm 750mm
At right angles to an access route at least 1500mm wide 800mm 750mm
At right angles to an access route at least 1200mm wide 825mm 775mm
External doors to buildings used by the general public 1000mm 775mm


Table 2 Minimum effective clear width of doors. (Forza Opinion - * this table was introduced in May 2004 therefore 'New Building' relates to work on site from that date).

From the 6th April 2013 the Approved Documents (AD) incorporating the 2013 amendments are for use in England only. Building regulation powers were devolved to Wales on 31/12/2011 and the 2013 amendments for England do not apply to Wales.

Forza Formula for Calculation of Leaf Width
Minimum effective clear width of opening (ECW) + (a) door thickness + (b) hinge dim + (c) door stop minus (d) gap leaf to frame closing side = required leaf width
Example: ECW 800 + (a) 44mm + (b) 10mm + (c) 12mm - (d) 3mm = 863mm leaf width required.

Forza Doors Opinion
The series of Approved Documents issued by the Secretary of State providing practical guidance with respect to the requirements of The Building Regulations offers no obligation to adopt any particular solution contained in an Approved Document providing the relevant requirement is meet in some other way. As with British Standard recommendations and Approved Document requirements the overriding considerations should be 'is it safe, practical and functional?' Project contractors and end user clients responsible for buildings should ensure that materials and colours chosen for aesthetic design should also meet the recommendations and requirements of the relevant British Standards and Approved Documents.

FTN technical notes represent the interpretation and opinion by Forza Doors Ltd of the various approved documents and British Standards from which extracts have been reviewed. No responsibility or liability is accepted by Forza for any loss/damage relating to any error or omission contained in the technical notes. April 2013

Part M - Effective Clear Width - FZD0526