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Forza - Defining Doors

Green Guide: Indoor Air Quality

Forza Review

There is a growing acceptance that human exposure to environmental pollutants mainly occurs from the air we breathe indoors. Pollutants emitted from products and materials utilised in homes, commercial, education and health premises can contaminate indoor air 2 to 5 times greater than the air we breathe outside. The primary source of indoor exposure to airborne chemicals is from products used in interior environments that can emit a significant quantity of volatile organic compounds (VOC's). With this in mind Forza are continually reviewing the materials it uses within its product range and select the best materials for low VOC emission.


Laminate Faced Particleboard Core

1. Core
Stretboard Door Core: Complies to E 1 Standard BS EN 13986 2004
Total extractable Formaldehyde: No significant or important value for particleboard
Formaldehyde Emissions <0.1ppm in the test chamber.

2. Laminate
Formica (HPL)
The finished laminate product will contain only trace amounts of free formaldehyde and Phenol Formica (HPL) laminates are stable and nonreactive under normal conditions and have been awarded Greenguard certificate for indoor air quality.
Certificate of compliance No. 90263 Wilsonart (HPL)
Have been awarded SCS Indoor Advantage Gold certification for their HPL products as low emitting products that do not impact indoor air quality in commercial buildings.  Also awarded Greenguard certificate of compliance No. 93111-5.

3. Resin Adhesive
Akzo Nobel / Casco  Under Review (expected Q3 2023)

Lacquer Coated Veneer Faced Particleboard Core

1. Core
Stretboard Door Core: Complies to E 1 Standard BS EN 13986 2004
Total extractable Formaldehyde: No significant or important value for particleboard
Formaldehyde Emissions <0.1ppm in the test chamber.

2. Ultra Violet Cured Lacquer
Valspar / Zenith Waterborne UV coating Certificate of Compliance 9013212-4 Under Review (expected Q3 2023)

3. Resin Adhesive
Akzo Nobel / Casco  Under Review (expected Q3 2023)


Lacquer Coated Timber Frames and Joinery Items

1. Timber Under Review (expected Q3 2023)

2. Pre Catalyzed Lacquer
AkzoNobel/Chemcraft Airguard 431-58 xx Topcoat Certificate of Compliance 90033-07 Under Review (expected Q3 2023)
Valspar / Zenith Waterborne precat Certificate of Compliance 9013212-03 Under Review (expected Q3 2023)


Lacquer Coated Veneer Faced Medium Density Fibreboard

1. MDF Board
Medite Under Review (expected Q3 2023)

2. Ultra Violet Cured Lacquer
Valspar / Zenith Waterborne UV coating Certificate of Compliance 9013212-4 Under Review (expected Q3 2023)