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Forza - Defining Doors

FD60 Intumescent Seal Specification

Intumescent Seal Specification for FD60 Door Leaves Installed in Flush Timber Frames

Location Size and Position

2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in the frame reveal or leaf edge (preferred)


2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in the frame reveal or leaf edge (preferred)

Flush meeting stiles

2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in one leaf edge

Rebated meeting stiles

2no 15 x 4 mm seals; one fitted centrally in one reate and the other fitted centrally in the other rebate, both can be fitted in either leaf edge

Flush overpanel junction

2no 15 x 4 mm seals; 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in top of leaf or bottom of overpanel

Rebated overpanel junction

2no 15 x 4 mm seals; one fitted centrally in one rebate and the other fitted centrally in the other rebate, both can be fitted in either the top of the leaf or the bottom of the overpanel

Interface between overpanel and frame

2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in the frame reveal or overpanel edge (preferred)


Intumescent Seal Specification for FD60 Door Leaves Installed in Rebated Timber Frames

Location Size and Position

2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in the rebate in the frame reveal or the nib of the leaf edge (preferred)


2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in the rebate in the frame reveal or the nib of the leaf edge (preferred)

Flush meeting stiles

2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in one leaf edge

Rebated meeting stiles

2no 15 x 4 mm seals; one fitted centrally in one rebate and the other fitted centrally in the other rebate, both can be fitted in either leaf edge

Flush overpanel junction

2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in top of leaf or bottom of overpanel

Rebated overpanel junction

2no 15 x 4 mm seals; one fitted centrally in one rebate and the other fitted centrally in the other rebate, both can be fitted in either the top of the leaf or the bottom of the overpanel

Interface between overpanel and frame

2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in the rebate in the frame reveal or the nib of the leaf edge (preferred)

Intumescent Seal Specification for FD60 Door Leaves Installed in Steel Frames

Location Size and Position

1no 38 x 6 mm F60 seal fitted centrally in the leaf edge


1no 38 x 6 mm F60 seal fitted centrally in the leaf edge

Flush meeting stiles

2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in one leaf edge

Rebated meeting stiles

2no 15 x 4 mm seals; one fitted centrally in one rebate and the other fitted centrally in the other rebate, both can be fitted in either leaf edge

Flush overpanel junction

2no 15 x 4 mm seals, 10 mm apart, fitted centrally in top of leaf or bottom of overpanel

Rebated overpanel junction

2no 15 x 4 mm seals; one fitted centrally in one rebate and the other fitted centrally in the other rebate, both can be fitted in either the top of the leaf or the bottom of the overpanel

Interface between overpanel and frame

1no 38 x 6 mm F60 seal fitted centrally in the overpanel edge