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Forza - Defining Doors

Panels, Feature Walls & Ceilings

Sequentially Matched Veneer Panels

Forza specialist veneer matching techniques extend not only to the less utilised methods of mismatch, quarter match or centre feature but also to project specific sequential matching. Here the veneer features of the individual panel are continued in sequence along the corridor or around the veneered area to create a perfect visual form. Our veneer staff will consult with you regarding project floor plans and elevations in order that the product delivered to site is clearly sequentially numbered for ease of installation.

Class 0 (Fire Propagation) & Class 1 (Spread of Flame)

Section 6 (Wall & ceiling linings) of Approved Document B2 (The Building Regulations 2000) classifies the fire performance characteristics for internal linings.

For rooms (for the purposes of B2, an enclosed space within a building that is not used solely as a circulation space, the term includes not only conventional rooms but also cupboards that are not fittings and large spaces such as warehouses and auditoria) of less than 30m2, national fire performance rating Class 3 is suitable.

For circulation spaces or rooms greater than 30m2 then national fire performance rating Class 0 is required.

Forza timber veneer panels with a substrate density of greater than 400Kg/m3 i.e. MDF or plywood and finished with our standard u/v cured lacquer satisfies the national fire performance rating Class 3.

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Forza 'Firewall' timber veneered panels surface coated on the exposed face with Xero-Fire lacquer satisfies the national fire performance rating Class 0 and achieves Spread of Flame classification Class 1 (BS476:p7). The specialist application technique employed by Forza in the use of Xero-Fire lacquer creates a visual finish that is far superior to the traditional intumescent lacquers.   

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The exemplary veneer preparation skills of the Forza production staff enable us to offer sequentially matched veneer panels for incorporation into movable walls, wall storage systems and Media walls.

Vertical or horizontal veneer features can be integrated with panel flash gaps and inlays of contrasting veneer or metal strips.

Through a carefully orchestrated veneer selection process Forza feature walls can fully match specific project design features such as board room tables, credenzas, executive desking and reception foyers.

Quartered Olive Ash Media Wall and Reception Foyer

Quartered Olive ash media wall and reception foyer.jpg


Movable Wall American Black Walnut
movable wall american black walnut.jpg


Inlayed Black Coachline to American Black Walnut Reception

inlayed black coachline to american black walnut reception wall and foyer.jpg