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Forza - Defining Doors

Door & Frame Assembly Installation Video Guide

Module 1: Introduction and Tools required
Module 2: Delivery of doors against floor-plan schedule
Module 3: Checking dimensions of supplied doors and frames against openings

Module 4: Doorframe assembly and preparation
Module 5: Doorframe installation 


Video 1:

Site preparation


Video 2:

Assembly, preparation and installation of door frame 



Video 3:

Preparation and installation of door leaf


Video 4:

Installation of lock and handles


Module 6: Door leaf preparation
Module 7: Door leaf installation and correct fit and gap checks

Module 8: Installation of lock cases, strike plates and lever handles


Video 5:

Fitting door stops, gaskets and architraves


Video 6:

Installation of door closer and fire signage plus sign off of fire certification


Module 9: Fitting of door stops and cold smoke or slam gaskets
Module 10: Fitting of architraves

Module 11: Door closers and fire door keep shut signs
Module 12: Fire label application and fire certificate sign-off and filing