Forza detailed drawings & specifications

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Forza - Defining Doors

Timber Doorframe Overview

Forza not only offers a standard range of softwood, hardwood and MDF frames but also bespoke designs produced to your specific project requirements.

Early discussion with our technical department will yield the aesthetics  and timber specie of your desired frame in the most economical and environmental friendly manner.

All frames are supplied with full factory applied lacquer finish or primed for paint and delivered in kit or assembled form as per order requirements.

Our website details not only our standard timber/MDF frames but also generic aluminium and steel & BOS steel frames in which our door range are certificated for fire.

An extensive range of fanlight and sidelight elevations certificated to FD30 and FD60 are available from Forza for inclusion in project specific designs. 


Bespoke-Rebated-Door-with-Flush-Panel.jpg DF753PFD30.jpg Doorframe-to-DG-blue-glass.jpg

Bespoke rebated frame and door flush to corridor within a steel stud 'shadow gap' partition

Forza standard 3-piece FD30 frame within a steel stud partition

Bespoke non-fire frame to accept 12mm toughened glass within a double glazed aluminium or timber partition system

All standard Forza doorframes are shown on the following detail specification pages, which can be accessed from the main menu above or via the page links below:
